Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It Begins

My first official audition as one of those starving actor things is this Saturday at 11:20am.

With this momentous occasion comes the reintroduction to an old habit that I'm taking up once again, one that I hope I'll keep up with this time: ah, blogging, how I've somewhat missed you.

While I was fairly consistent with my first blog for a good couple of years there, it became overpopulated and I lost the interest and energy to keep filling it up with my piddling little everyday non-adventures. I start this new one to usher me into a new phase in my life, one in which I no longer go to school, one in which I live in San Francisco and not in my parents' house or in a dorm, and one in which I am a fully-fledged acting hopeful, not a full-time student/costumer/something else who occasionally does plays er sumthin' on the side sometimes. In my few days of unemployment (today is the third), I began reading for leisure again, something I have missed more than I realized until I was browsing bookstores, killing time in Berkeley over the weekend. Starting a new blog is also one way of attempting to light a fire under my ass and get me writing again, even if nothing more than a paragraph about how I patted a happy dog today. The anecdotal, the trivial, the senseless, the significant, the monumental; all of these will find their way onto this thing (maybe).

We begin with the anecdotal:

I had dinner with my friend Natalia yesterday in the Mission, after which I walked back home along 18th. Passing by Delfina, I glanced in the window as I always do, and happened to catch a glimpse of a patron who looked exactly like Gael Garcia Bernal. I did a little double take, but did not slow my pace; after all, it probably wasn't him (what would Gael Garcia Bernal be up to in San Francisco?) and I don't make it a habit to stare at people while they eat their suppers. I did, however, whip out my cell phone and call roommate Kevin that I had just spotted a lookalike, even though I was on my way home and would presumably be seeing him in a few moments, anyway. What can I say, I was excited.

I got home, saw Kevin, chatted for a while, and was lounging around on the sofa when roommate Lacy showed up, dressed up all purty-like and excited to share the details of her evening: she had just attended Gorgeous&Green, an eco-fabulous event where she had spotted the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Orlando Bloom, Gael Garcia Bernal, and Salma Hayek.

I totally spotted Gael Garcia Bernal in a restaurant on 18th St.


Now the really beautiful thing would have been if he had walked past the barber shop on 18th later, the one that sports a headshot of SeƱor Bernal in the display window for no apparent reason. I'm sure he probably didn't, but it would have been very special.

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